

The facilities here give me the chance to work with programs and devices that are not only useful to my learning, but will also provide knowledge I can actually use once I start my career.


B.S. 计算机工程




I grew up coming to the campus, and so a lot of the faculty and staff have known about me for longer than I've even known them. 这, along with the beautiful campus and facilities, help create a feeling that I am welcome and accepted here.



Dr. 坎贝尔博士. Ekey have had the biggest impacts on me at UMU so far. 他们机智而迷人, and make class much more interesting that just sitting in a chair passively listening to a professor speak. My freshman year, I took physics I and II, with Dr. Ekey和Dr. 坎贝尔,分别. 这些班级有实验室, where we would perform a variety of experiments, whether it be smacking a bowling ball down the hallway using a broomstick or splitting light and measuring the diffraction pattern. Practical demonstrations of topics learned in class, combined with their humor makes any of their classes enjoyable and a significantly better learning exprience.


What Made You Choose 计算机工程?

I chose computer engineering because my dad is a software engineer, so I've always been around computers and so it was a very natural thing for me to pursue. I also love the more "hands-on" aspect of the field, as opposed to computer science. I would much rather work with my hands than code something all day long, and computer engineering gives me that opportunity; espeically here at Mount Union, since the facilities here give me the chance to work with programs and devices that are not only useful to my learning, but will also provide knowledge I can actually use once I start my career.



应用 to every college and university you can. There is no harm in applying to tons of places, even places where you think you might never get in. Don't let acceptance rates or tuition costs turn you away, because I know here at Mount nearly everyone recieves financial aid. Exploring and finding out what's best for you is the best route you can take.